I went to my mum's house in Resende, a small in the countryside in Rio de Janeiro. On my way to Resende, it rained a little, but continuously. When I was almost getting there a huge truck which was in front of me poured loads of water on my car. There was a strange noise but at that moment it seemed to be nothing important.
My mother, my kids and I arrived there, greeted everyone and tried organize our stuff.
I spent two days literaly walking around; so my car was parked in front of my mum's. Two days later I had to take the car because I had to take my son's car seat to be repaired and there was a quite big crack on my windshield (the front glass of the car). I had to have it repaired too, but I needed to talk to my husband about it.
When I told him I would have to replace the windshield, he seemed so calm that I thought I was dropping a storm in a glass of water.
However, he got a bit stressed because he imagined I had got envolved in a car crash and his blood preasure quickly went up, forcing him to go to the ER at Amil.
Needless to say I had to come back to Niterói to check on him, and left my kids with my mum, in Resende. I stayed here for three days, and then went back to Resende to have the car repaired and pick up my boys.

After the guy had replaced the glass, he drove to my mum's to give me the car back. On his way he crashed into a very old Chevette and destroyed my car's right back door. I had everything packed to come to Niterói right away!!
So I thought to myself... it never rains but it pours!!!
Hi Janine ! I'll try write in english and please, correct me if I'm wrong ! You know that I'm in the senior year in the school and I don't have enough time to study english. For me this is awful because I love english and I know that I need this for the rest of my life ! hehehe By the way, I'm here just for ask if when I want write a composition can I write ?! So , if you say yes I'll stay really grateful but if you say no I'll understand ! We know that wasn't a long time but Thank you for the time you teached me. I'm sending kisses for you and for everyone from my class :* bye bye