quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2010

Is this discipline?

      Should kids go to jail by the age of 12 or even 8 years?Besides being imoral that's something that messes up with the pshycological and emotional of the child.Here in Brasil people can only go to prison when then reach majority, 18 years, but also with special contitions, avaible only until they're 21.But  this is not the rule for the whole world, every country has its only rule,some places kids can be arrested when they're 8.
       Even thought this deppends on the crime, a child at this age can not separate the right from what is wrong, and have to count on parents support.And in the end, besides being educated by this process, they might get themselves against the system, and transform themselves in problematic people in their adulthood.

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