When I was I child I used to practice many sports but nowadays I prefer to dedicate my self only to tennis and also like to hanging out ( in the weekend) with friends do have fun.
I used to play board games , hopscotch and many child programs , but now I think almost are ridiculous ! so I prefer to spend hours in my computer or watching TV.
I used to like candy and sweets and I used to have a small fringe and strange hair.
that's all!
quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010
When I was a child..

When I was a kid, I used to play with my dolls, I was talking about 'mother' of them, played hopscotch, chop up-and-seek. Nowadays I prefer to go clubbing with my friends, stay in the computer and go to the beach. I was always very shy, did not have many friends. I think today I am much less shy and talk to everyone possible. I also had to stop playing and take my responsibilities today, which is study hard, get good grades and I admit that it all got a little lazy. (;
Vote before reach the age of 18

People think that teenagers aged 16 are already able to choose which person will vote. But everything had for and against points. On the bad side, teenagers have not yet decided to head to this, many still do not even know what career they want to have, or what they want to attend college. Many do not even buy his little charge, which is just studying. But I guess I never stopped to think that despite all this, they may be choosing what could be the future of the country or state. On the other hand, the good side is that all they will ripen faster, showing them the reality, not just that they think everything here.
In my opinion, do not think any teen is responsible enough to vote. I guess I'm not responsible enough. ahahaha = D
Vote before 18 years old.
Vote before 18 years old have points for and against, for example.. people who are under 18 years don't have complete understanding of politics to be able to vote as wel..but some exceptions already have this ability and fight for their rights to vote..some people under 18 can be easily influenced to vote for certain candidates..for me, vote, just over 18 years.
Past / Present Likes and Dislikes
When I was a child I used to play ball, toys, video-games, watch television cartoons, among other things...Today I have to study hard, help my mother with houseworks, I haven't more time to play ball and toys, today I only play volleyball...
Past and present likes and dislikes...
When I was a child I used to play Barbie, dolls, board games, burnt, hopscotch and watch many child programs. Nowadays I prefer going out with my friends, going to parts, chatting with friends in computer, doing my nails, going to beach, shopping, watching other programs,... Also, I help my mom with the houseworks and study very hard, which is so boring, what didn't do when I was a child and I like many foods that I don't like when I was a child, like vegetables and Japanese food.
Young voters
Nobody should allowed to vote before they reach the age 18.
Many people believe that when the person reach the age 16 can be able to choose the political that will vote. Moreover, they can't, many times they vote without responsibility, not knowing who they are voting, exchanging theirs votes for money and other things or being carried away by their parents and friends, not actually choosing who they vote.
On other hand, have a few of teenagers that have responsibility for vote, how know actually who they will vote, not being carried for parents and friends, etc.
In my opinion, even though i was responsible for vote, the age for vote should be increased to 18.
Good times...
When I was a child I would see much more tv than I see now, that's problable because in the past I didn't used to study that lot I study nowadays. I used to collect a lot of thinks, stickers, bottons, thinks like that. But today i don't have patience or I'm interested in other thinks... I used to be more carefree and when I was a child I didn't help my parents in housework unless makikng my bed, as soon as nowadays I have to do the dishes every weekend.
quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2010
Is this discipline?
Should kids go to jail by the age of 12 or even 8 years?Besides being imoral that's something that messes up with the pshycological and emotional of the child.Here in Brasil people can only go to prison when then reach majority, 18 years, but also with special contitions, avaible only until they're 21.But this is not the rule for the whole world, every country has its only rule,some places kids can be arrested when they're 8.
Even thought this deppends on the crime, a child at this age can not separate the right from what is wrong, and have to count on parents support.And in the end, besides being educated by this process, they might get themselves against the system, and transform themselves in problematic people in their adulthood.
Past and present likes and dislikes!

When I was a child, I used to like to play with dolls and hopscotch with my friends, but nowadays I prefer going out with my friends, staying at the computer and watching tv! I used to be more sensitive and a bit of a joker, but now I am really responsible and not so funny!
As I was growing up, I become a really helpful person! I didn't use to help my mother in houseworks, but now I always make my bed and wash the dishes for her! My mother says that I used to be a bit of a lazy girl, much diferent then now!
Teenage drivers!
Driving when you are young can be really dangers! In many car accidents, the tennage is the driver! Most of teenages think that for driving you just need to know how to drive but they forgot that you need to be responsible and conscious about what you are doing too!
I think teenages shouldn't drive, because they are too young to be responsible for their actions and in the most of the time their parents took the blame for them, what is really wrong, so I'm totally against about it!

terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2010

I really think that teenagers shouldn't drive at 16. They are too young to drive and don't have the responsability to drive yet. When you are 18 you are on your own so if you want to drive the responsability it's yours not your parents.
Many accidents could happen if there is a teenager with a children mind, driving! The parents should advise your kid to be careful and just drive with 18 when you are mature to do that. Anyway there is people that belive that 16 is a good age, but I disagree.
quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010
Responsable age
The problem in question is , childrens over 12 should be resopnsable for crimes?Well,many people believe that a children in the age of 12 years old shoukd be punish however that's childrens who do crimes in a less age in opnion off some people shouldn't be punish because they are to young to be responsable for there acts.
In my opnion the responsable age for crimes should be 18 years old because the people have more sence of what they are doing .
To think about...
First of all I think age really matters, aint not one of 'em able to drive worth a damn anyways. I think it should be on a "can you acually do it?" basis. In US and another countries u can drive with 16, of couse, the culture of this countries is diferent, bouth of us are 16 too! So why can't we drive as the age of 16?
Many people think it's an Estate act to control the car acidents, and you know if
you are under 16 you can't be arrested, yet. However most of the accident are caused by drink-driving or something like this, and if you are under 16 you can't drik!!
In my opinion its hot topic to think about, and if some day we can drive in the age of 16, ithink i'll already over them 18...
Reality Shows: are they Reality?
Nowadays its so hard to find a REAL reality show... I think that once you get anybody behind the camera they are never going to be as real as they are when the camera's are turned off. I beleive that most all reality tv shows are scripted to create drama and to keep you watching.
So, it's why i never see this tipo of program and normaly this ones are fakes!
quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010
Good and bad things about reality shows

I really like reality shows but I think for a person participating in them, must relinquish their privacy. In the game you will be being judged all the time, sometimes it can show a picture of a person that you aren't. But there are good things, beside winning a big prize (most often in cash), can meet new people, and famous, big parties and also become a famous person once you exit the game. I like many reality shows, but my favorites are 'Big Brother Brasil' 'A Fazenda' and 'As gostosas e os geeks'
Age for driving

In most US states you can drive a car at the age of 16.In my opinion that is a good idea for almost countries,as long as you have the pratice,be responsible,respect the laws and always getting better.
I strongly believe because adolescents could have a real chance at find schools and weekend jobs. Moreover, also driving reflects the independence of many teens allows then to reach sports as well academic competitions and encourage them to be more independent.
On the other hand, most of adolescents is not responsible to keep driving so they tend to commit crimes, which is dangerous they are risking their own lives and others.
I think acidents happen to teens drivers because of ther look of experience, not their age of maturity but at 16 are still immature (despite what they might think).
It never rains but it pours!

Clearly I remember it was October 10th when I woke up thinking it would be a normal day like all others, but honestly? there was nothing normal there. The way to school my dad's car broke, and the first time I had a class test to do. The car never breaks down, had to be just that day? It took about half an hour to get the tire repairman. I arrived at school, missing 10 minutes to end the time. I swear I've never done a test so fast in my life! ahahahah But when it came to note, was not very nice! I tried talking to the teacher, told him what had happened but he said that it was hopeless. In the end I had to stay with the same bad note. : /
terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2010
Good and bad things about reality shows

I love reality shows, but there are good and bad things about it. One of the good things, is that reality shows really entertain people and it's very fun, it's amazing to watch. However, there are bad things about it too, in reality shows the participants are very exposed, and in the most of time, the participants suffer many emotions, wich can be good or not. But there are many types of reality show, like ''Big Brother Brasil'', ''A Fazenda'', ''Keeping up with the Kardashians'' and many others... I really enjoy watching, but I know many people that doesn't like, but it depends on your taste! =)
Age for driving, against and for points

I think it has points for and points against this topic. In my opinion the points for are: If the minimum age for driving was reduced for 16 years, the adolescent's life would be easier, the locomotion would be faster too, but in the other hand, there is the points against that are the question of responsability, adolescents need to be very responsable to drive a car, but they are younger and tend to be more reckless in traffic, wich is very dangerous, it's someone life, drive is not a joke, and the teenagers in age of 16 must understand that before they starting to drive.
Well, that's all.
domingo, 7 de novembro de 2010
What do you think ???

Digite um texto ou endereço de um site ou traduza um documento.
Another thing that I can not understand is how it is possible that a person is 16 years old have the right to vote since it is not allowed that person to drive. This person is responsible enough to elect the person who will govern their country, but has no responsibility to drive, in my opinion should only be allowed to vote at 18 because then the person already had enough responsibility.
Another thing discussed today is the wedding with only 21 years, why a person aged 18 who has a stable and happy life can not marry this person might be happy for the rest of life, or not, maybe that person 're getting ahead and do the wrong thing, so qu I think it should be released on marriage below 21 years for those people who are really determined to do it.We know that many children have already committed crimes and that these children might not regenerate anymore, for it was created a place where these children are trying to regenerate, but these children are not responsible for crimes, only persons of legal age, but are trying to create a law that children over 12 years is responsible for his crime and go to jail, I do not think this is right because the child has no idea what you're doing, sometimes these children are even urged to do wrong, so I think that regeneration of places are the best options.
Ler foneticamente
quarta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2010
Good and bad things about reality shows
I really like relity show, but I think sometimes the person who participates exposes to much himself, telling how is your life, what family they have, showing feelings, and many other things. I know that they agree with that, because if they are there, is because they know that will pass for good and bad things. Anyway, who I am to say what they have to do, the life is not mine.
I like reality shows that shows interesting things, that make me laugh, teach fashion and are adventure, like
Has so much reality shows that are a waste of time, that don't have anything interesting. These are the bad reality shows that don't provide anything interesting in our life. These programs shouldn't even exist! But have people that like it, so they continue producing these type of program.

It never rains but it pours
When I was in Orlando, my father needed to purchase some batteries, so he stopped in the first store of this type of sale, 'Radioshack'. Quickly he bought the batteries, for we start what we will going to do. My father have planned to go with my brother to the game of basketball. When he was buying the tickets at the mall, he realized that the credit card was not with him and then he remembered that he bought the batteries with the credit card! We returned to the store where we bought the batteries, and asked if they (sellers) had found the credit card, they answered that my dad forgot there. It never rains but it pours, they didn't found it! The seller that solded the batteries for my father wasn't in the store, so we discovered that the saller had bought many things with the credit card, in the total he spend around 1,600 dollars of my father! So my father had to call the police and denounce what was happing. We were pretty tired! Ultimately, every thing worked, because my father maneged to send a letter to the bank saying that he was not the responsible of the lastest purchases and the bank withdrew the purchases of his count.
terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010
Good and Bad Things about Reality Shows
I really like reality shows, especially the ones with celebreties and gossip, like BBB ( Big Brother Brasil), but I'm really into the survivers ones too, like The Survivers! The gossip ones you actually can't learn good things, but have very funny situations! The survivers ones it is very cutural and you can learn lots of things like how to survive only eating fishes and fruits in a desert island and much more!
Currently, there are many of bad realitys shows in tv. However the old ones still good! I think the tv channels should choose better the programes they pass on tv.
I think that people who enters in a reality show knows that they will pass for bad and estranges situations and everybody will be whatching so isn't a invasion in their privacy like most of the people say!

That's all, byee!
Currently, there are many of bad realitys shows in tv. However the old ones still good! I think the tv channels should choose better the programes they pass on tv.
I think that people who enters in a reality show knows that they will pass for bad and estranges situations and everybody will be whatching so isn't a invasion in their privacy like most of the people say!

That's all, byee!
Reality Shows

I'm not a big fan os reality shows, actually, I really think that they are waste of time. Long time ago I used to see a reality show called "I Survived a Japanese Game Show " is very funny to the people who see it, and in the end the survivor wins some money.
I think that, a good reality show has to be a little informative, and at least funny, to the audience. I know a site that shows strangers reality shows:( Portuguese)
I really think that reality shows can be dangerous, but the people who go to these reality shows know that and anyway go and continue been part of that.
Anyway, to the people who likes can be very funny, but to the people who think its a waste of time, go and watch something else.
A piece of another reality show called WipeOut
segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2010
Good and Bad things about Reality Shows

The question is are they waste of time? Well I'm my opinion some of reality shows are good but almost seems to be taking over the channels latery. I enjoy some of competitions American Idol ,The biggest loser and a few others however, I can't stand celebrity shows where we talking about think's you don´t need to know it's only about youself! They give a bad image to both men and women.I wonder Why are celebrity reality shows so appealing? as the contestants and may even show celebrities doing things that are silly or unreal. Personally this kind of reality shows are becoming ridiculous!it's out of control they making reality shows about anything and everything. I'm my opinion most of reality shows can not be a waste of time as long as we remember it's just a simulation of reality.
It's all , bye!
quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2010
Good and Bad things about Reality Shows.
Well.. I don't like reality TV shows, but there are positive aspects about them, such as the award they give at the end, and fame that one gets after the program ..
But this reputation isn't always nice, because it can be a reputation for antisocial person, uneducated, etc.
Reality Shows might be good to entertain people who watch too, but I think these programs are frames ...
Another downside is that reality shows don't teach anything that would improve society, and increasingly people are in front of the TV watching these programs ...
That's all, bye!
But this reputation isn't always nice, because it can be a reputation for antisocial person, uneducated, etc.
Reality Shows might be good to entertain people who watch too, but I think these programs are frames ...
Another downside is that reality shows don't teach anything that would improve society, and increasingly people are in front of the TV watching these programs ...
That's all, bye!
terça-feira, 19 de outubro de 2010
Fashion Realitys
Those realitys for a expecificly public, that includes women of all ages and people interested in fashion, most of them, fashion designers.The principal ones are "Project Runway" and "America's Next Top Model".
The second is about models in their twenties that want to reach the stardom, and is projected by the ex American model Tyra Banks, and the candidates pass throught some photo shoots and runway tests.
And the other reality, "Project Runway" is all about idealizing and making couture and well made ready-to-wear clothes, 16 contestants get in the begginig, and only 3 can battle in New York Fashion Week for an award in cash to create their own brand.
The most amazing thing about those realitys is to knows deeper about the fashion world, but otherwise as it is a very competitive and cruel world, sometimes some delicate people can hurt themselvses in those games, because anyway, realitys are games, games in a huge scale.
The second is about models in their twenties that want to reach the stardom, and is projected by the ex American model Tyra Banks, and the candidates pass throught some photo shoots and runway tests.
And the other reality, "Project Runway" is all about idealizing and making couture and well made ready-to-wear clothes, 16 contestants get in the begginig, and only 3 can battle in New York Fashion Week for an award in cash to create their own brand.
The most amazing thing about those realitys is to knows deeper about the fashion world, but otherwise as it is a very competitive and cruel world, sometimes some delicate people can hurt themselvses in those games, because anyway, realitys are games, games in a huge scale.
segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010
Good and bad things about reality tv shows.

The reality TV shows were introduced in order to show how our lives are our everyday conflicts and there during our day and always at a premium after the program to generate more conflict among the participants, generally those are millionaires and prizes for you to keep it must pass tests of strength.
But there is not only reality shows with this kind of award, there is also those in which people are drawn more bagan and win prizes such as: reform of their homes, their cars or even fantastical journeys, these people usually are chosen for their life stories that are always sad, then there comes into play the reality TV shows to try to rebuild the lives of these people giving a new opportunity and chance for their lives.
But there is not only reality shows with this kind of award, there is also those in which people are drawn more bagan and win prizes such as: reform of their homes, their cars or even fantastical journeys, these people usually are chosen for their life stories that are always sad, then there comes into play the reality TV shows to try to rebuild the lives of these people giving a new opportunity and chance for their lives.
quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2010
Reality Shows
In my opinion have a good reality shows with you can learn many things, but have another reality shows like BBB(big brother Brasil)i think is a loose of time.
In Discovery Chanel pass a lot off cool reality shows wich you could learn somethings with than.For me the good thing on a reality shows are the apprentice you cath with than.
I think the worse thing in a reality show is when you couldn't have any apprentice with than is a kind of loose your time.
If you don't have anything better to see go and wacht BBB,rsrsrs.
A storm in a tea cup
In a football game we discuss only because little things like If the ball go out or not,If it was fault or not.However the football isn't the only game that's happens , this happens in all the games.
The human have a quality to don't let the things harm than and they fight to don't be injured.This make us some times to fight by thing with no importance.We have to learn some times to accept the things beacause not evrythings are like we want to be.
quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010
Raining quite a bit
It could be another day in the week, but it was monday, the worst day, and a rainy one.As usual I had to woke up early to be at 7:15 at school, although my alarm clock didn´t rang and I had only 5 minutes to eat, dress me up, brush my teeth and organize my school material.
Besides being rainy and extremaly cold, my first class was physical education, a subject that in fact I hate the most.And for my unluck I broke my indicator finger in a basketball game, detail, in my right hand, the one I use to write.
Despiste being a good student, I had receive 2 tests that I had low grades.But the worst part in my whole day was when I was comming back from school, I took a bus like I always do afther the classes, something that I actualy dislike, when a car crossed a puddle and all the water had dropped over me.
Of course when I came home I was stressed and raw down, but after all I laughted about all this.
Besides being rainy and extremaly cold, my first class was physical education, a subject that in fact I hate the most.And for my unluck I broke my indicator finger in a basketball game, detail, in my right hand, the one I use to write.
Despiste being a good student, I had receive 2 tests that I had low grades.But the worst part in my whole day was when I was comming back from school, I took a bus like I always do afther the classes, something that I actualy dislike, when a car crossed a puddle and all the water had dropped over me.
Of course when I came home I was stressed and raw down, but after all I laughted about all this.
terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2010
My finger
One day, in a Saturday morning, my dad asked me If I wanted to buy some bread with him and my brother . Almost every Saturday, I just stay locked in my own house, so I imediately accepted. Almost every time, I drive my bicycle wearing tennis, but in that day,I was lazy to wear my tennis, so I took my flip flops. Behind the bakery there is a ramp, that me and my brother use to play.
In that morning I took impulse in the ramp and went down the street with the bike. But bicycle 's brake wasn't working well so I had to stop the bike with my foot. To my horror, I had my finger hurted In the moment I saw the blood, I paniqued.
After cleaning the wound and putting a remedy on it, the worst weekend of my life started. That's just like everybody says: It never rains, but it pours; Monday I had to go up and down the stairs 3 times in the school, my mom's car broke so I had to go by foot to my grandmother's home. Tuesday I had to go by bus to the school. Luckily every cloud has a silver lining, After starting to use a remedy that a friend of mine told me about, my finger started to get better
In the end I really think that I have created a storm in a teacup, my finger still getting better, and my mum's car is still broke, so I think I don't have time to rest! I really need my finger well!
In that morning I took impulse in the ramp and went down the street with the bike. But bicycle 's brake wasn't working well so I had to stop the bike with my foot. To my horror, I had my finger hurted In the moment I saw the blood, I paniqued.
After cleaning the wound and putting a remedy on it, the worst weekend of my life started. That's just like everybody says: It never rains, but it pours; Monday I had to go up and down the stairs 3 times in the school, my mom's car broke so I had to go by foot to my grandmother's home. Tuesday I had to go by bus to the school. Luckily every cloud has a silver lining, After starting to use a remedy that a friend of mine told me about, my finger started to get better
In the end I really think that I have created a storm in a teacup, my finger still getting better, and my mum's car is still broke, so I think I don't have time to rest! I really need my finger well!
segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010
Surprise test !!!

Today, I woke up thinking it would be a normal day like all others but was not as normal as I expected.
I went to college as usual and when I got her something different was happening would have a surprise test and the notes would come out the same day and this note would make students pass a grade. I auditioned a big test of about forty questions was a hard test but I thought I had taken a good note, so far lacked wait another hour to learn the notes I had taken. There I spent an hour and all the class we were anxious to know our note then the results are in the room and I really had not gone well, I had been placed last among the top ten and maybe not pass the other students who were among the twenty last were making a storm in a teacup because they already had in years past but I was past ten and uncertainty but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and to my luck the prefessores decided to give the final grades and say who really had changed from year, and to my luck I'd spent with a good note because in other periods I had gone well, I finally had a good weekends and quiet.
I went to college as usual and when I got her something different was happening would have a surprise test and the notes would come out the same day and this note would make students pass a grade. I auditioned a big test of about forty questions was a hard test but I thought I had taken a good note, so far lacked wait another hour to learn the notes I had taken. There I spent an hour and all the class we were anxious to know our note then the results are in the room and I really had not gone well, I had been placed last among the top ten and maybe not pass the other students who were among the twenty last were making a storm in a teacup because they already had in years past but I was past ten and uncertainty but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and to my luck the prefessores decided to give the final grades and say who really had changed from year, and to my luck I'd spent with a good note because in other periods I had gone well, I finally had a good weekends and quiet.
quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010
Bad things come in threes, fours, fives...
I intended to have a peaceful break last July. However, things didn't happen exactly the way I planned.
I went to my mum's house in Resende, a small in the countryside in Rio de Janeiro. On my way to Resende, it rained a little, but continuously. When I was almost getting there a huge truck which was in front of me poured loads of water on my car. There was a strange noise but at that moment it seemed to be nothing important.
My mother, my kids and I arrived there, greeted everyone and tried organize our stuff.
I spent two days literaly walking around; so my car was parked in front of my mum's. Two days later I had to take the car because I had to take my son's car seat to be repaired and there was a quite big crack on my windshield (the front glass of the car). I had to have it repaired too, but I needed to talk to my husband about it.
When I told him I would have to replace the windshield, he seemed so calm that I thought I was dropping a storm in a glass of water.
However, he got a bit stressed because he imagined I had got envolved in a car crash and his blood preasure quickly went up, forcing him to go to the ER at Amil.
Needless to say I had to come back to Niterói to check on him, and left my kids with my mum, in Resende. I stayed here for three days, and then went back to Resende to have the car repaired and pick up my boys.

After the guy had replaced the glass, he drove to my mum's to give me the car back. On his way he crashed into a very old Chevette and destroyed my car's right back door. I had everything packed to come to Niterói right away!!
So I thought to myself... it never rains but it pours!!!
I went to my mum's house in Resende, a small in the countryside in Rio de Janeiro. On my way to Resende, it rained a little, but continuously. When I was almost getting there a huge truck which was in front of me poured loads of water on my car. There was a strange noise but at that moment it seemed to be nothing important.
My mother, my kids and I arrived there, greeted everyone and tried organize our stuff.
I spent two days literaly walking around; so my car was parked in front of my mum's. Two days later I had to take the car because I had to take my son's car seat to be repaired and there was a quite big crack on my windshield (the front glass of the car). I had to have it repaired too, but I needed to talk to my husband about it.
When I told him I would have to replace the windshield, he seemed so calm that I thought I was dropping a storm in a glass of water.
However, he got a bit stressed because he imagined I had got envolved in a car crash and his blood preasure quickly went up, forcing him to go to the ER at Amil.
Needless to say I had to come back to Niterói to check on him, and left my kids with my mum, in Resende. I stayed here for three days, and then went back to Resende to have the car repaired and pick up my boys.

After the guy had replaced the glass, he drove to my mum's to give me the car back. On his way he crashed into a very old Chevette and destroyed my car's right back door. I had everything packed to come to Niterói right away!!
So I thought to myself... it never rains but it pours!!!
My bad day!
Last week, I woke up to late to go to school and I was feeling a bit under the weather. I've got a headache the entire night, but my mother said that I can't miss the class because I have a really dificult test so I went school. When I got there my teacher gave me the test, it was too big and dificult, I did only a few questions!
When I arrived home, I did my big homework and after that I went to my tennis class. My teacher, named Jorge, and I were stretching ourselves when I felt down and sprained my wrist! What a bad lucky! I stayed my afternoon at the doctor to put a bandage, it was so boring! :(
Finally, I went home and slept the all night and day long, because my mom allowed me to miss the class on the folowing day! Every cloud has a silver lining! :)
When I arrived home, I did my big homework and after that I went to my tennis class. My teacher, named Jorge, and I were stretching ourselves when I felt down and sprained my wrist! What a bad lucky! I stayed my afternoon at the doctor to put a bandage, it was so boring! :(
Finally, I went home and slept the all night and day long, because my mom allowed me to miss the class on the folowing day! Every cloud has a silver lining! :)
segunda-feira, 5 de julho de 2010
A wonderful place to visit

Venice is one of the Italy’s greatest tourist places. You will be surprised by hearing how the city is built up. The city is built on 317 small islands and has 150 canals which are connected through 409 bridges. During the spring time, Venice is completely filled with tourists. At that time it is very difficult to find the accommodations.
Venice is an experience unique in the world of travel. The city seems to exude romance, history, fantastic photo opportunities and good food, almost.Exploring Venice is an experience that you will never forget.
I love this place! =)
quinta-feira, 1 de julho de 2010
Keeping Fit

In my opinion the question of diet does not work with anyone! After all, diets today are those that you can not eat anything, sometimes they do not let you nor drink water ahahah (;
I think to keep fit, you must go to a gym, and exercise and have good nutrition. But of course it is not necessary to stop eating your favorite food, just reduce the amount! (;
Unlucky Day

I had an unlucky day. I was waiting for a bus to go home when a car while in a puddle and splash the water all on me! It soaked my clothes, my backpack which was material to the school, EVERYTHING! When I was climbing the stairs of my house, I fell and broke my arm!
I went to the doctor, I put a cast. At night, it was crazy to go to sleep, afraid of something bad happening to me ahaha (;
Wonderful place to visit
Greece is located in Europe. In my opinion Greece is a great place to visit, because it has an incredible landscape and beautiful to look at, and it has
great historical sites to visit, such as Mount Olympus.
There also has several islands, with clear sea around, good to lay in a hammock and relax. hahah = D
If I could have the opportunity to visit one country, pick certainly there. But would not trade the Rio de Janeiro there! = D

If I could have the opportunity to visit one country, pick certainly there. But would not trade the Rio de Janeiro there! = D
Wonderful place to visit

Miami is located in state of Florida in United States of America, I think Miami it's a great place to visit bacause there are many beaches and great bars! It's a tropical city, and the climate is very good. The Ocean Drive is the most famous street in Miami, it's a gorgeous street because there are homes of famous people and well known bars, and all this with a beautiful view of beach. When I went to Miami, I stayed in Fort Lauderdale wich is a very famous place in Miami too, It's really beautilful, it is impossible not to like there!! Miami it's a wonderful city, also my favorite in the world, after Rio de Janeiro of course!! hahaha =)
segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2010
Cape Town
Cape Town is situated at the tip of the African Continent. The only way to understand and enjoy Cape Town is by experiencing the unique range of multicultural lifestyles and scenic national surroundings for yourself.
During the summer season, Cape Town is filled with holiday makers enjoying the hot weather, sunny beaches and beautiful scenery. So, if you want to spend your time during holiday season, it is best to make reservations as soon as possible. Before reaching the place, have a rough idea about the places around Cape Town, which you want to visit.
terça-feira, 22 de junho de 2010
New Zealand Castle...
For people whos like history go to this place is one of better things you can do.The owner of the castle preserves the original structure of,and you can pass sleep in the Castle about on maximum of 4 days.
The place is so calm and the view is wonderful.
you really should go there and see it.
segunda-feira, 21 de junho de 2010
Wonderful place to visit.

Switzerland is a good place to visit, it is a beautiful place and is so calm and you have a great variety of things to do there.
On Switzerland you can vist museuns lakes old castles and good restaurants, I thing this is one of the best places to visit if you want relax there they have good scenery to enjoy such as the alps if you're an adventurer you can climb it. There have a park that name is singhal du bougi, on this park you can walk on the tree is so fun.
This is all when you think about traveling again think of going to Switzerland you will not regret it.
domingo, 20 de junho de 2010
Orlando, a wonderful place to visit!
I think Orlando is a wonderful place to visit! There are many theme parks there like Disney World and Universal Studios where you can have lots of fun! Orlando is also a great place to shop! Because there are many outlets where it is so much cheap than buy in shopping malls! The food is really good, there is an amazing restaurant named Chessecake Factory which serve delicious cakes!
Last year, I went to Orlando with my family and friends. It was the best experience I ever had!
You really should go! :) 

sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2010
terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010
My Unlucky day
One day my parents and I were going to Espírito Santo. My unlucky day began when I awoke with a headache. Going to Espírito Santo we took a huge traffic jam that lasted three hours.
After all that, we got hungry and there was no food because it would be a trip not too long. Arriving in the Espírito Santo, we got a lot of time looking for the hotel we were going to stay, then we went to find my room and rest because it was a trip tiring.
It's all...bye
After all that, we got hungry and there was no food because it would be a trip not too long. Arriving in the Espírito Santo, we got a lot of time looking for the hotel we were going to stay, then we went to find my room and rest because it was a trip tiring.
It's all...bye
sábado, 29 de maio de 2010
Unluck day

One day, me and my family traveled to Sao Paulo. We left rio the janeiro at 5:00 to arrive at 10:00 because my cousing was gatting married, but in the way the car broke down so we dicidedto call to the truck, but the truck took three hours to arrive, after that we had to go to the mechanic and we stayed there for two hours, in the final we can`t came on the wedding and we had to came back to rio, this was the worst trip of my life.
quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2010
Unluck day
I went to the bar to bought some coke when I fallen down and broke my arm.When I was going to the hospital the gasoline over,and I had to help my father to push the car to the gas station and my arm got worse than when i broke.I have to put a plaster in the arm and i've stay with this about 2 weeks.
Unlucky day
I don't remenber any unlucky day to tell to you, so I will tell you my mother unlucky day. I hope you like it.
When my mother was going to job, the gasoline car were ending. Then she had to go to gas station. When she asked to gasoline the gas station employee told her that the gas station wasn't accepting credit card and my mom wasn't with any money (banknote). When she was going to another gas station, the car stopped work. She was next to the gas station, so she walked up there. To her surprise, the gas station was without gasoline. When she decided to call my father to bring gasoline she noted that the celphone was with without battery. Then she had to ask the celphone of gas station employee. While she was waiting my dad, people that knew her stopped and offered help, then she answered that didn't need help. She was very very embarassed.
Writing "Puzzle"
Hey guys!!

Do you remember that story you wrote using those images and words I displayed on the e-board? Remember I told you there was a real story?
This is it:
And this is it!!
See yah, Janine
Do you remember that story you wrote using those images and words I displayed on the e-board? Remember I told you there was a real story?
This is it:

See yah, Janine
My Unlucky Day

My unlucky day starts with me waking up and realizing that my alarm didn't work and was already 7h15am and my school starts at 7h30 am. I ask my mom to leave me at school, but when we were in the way, her car broken, so I had to take a bus. I got at school late and received my math's test. I had a bad mark at it.
When I got home from school and started to have lunch, the pasta's sauce fell into my new T-shirt. After that, I had school homework to do, but my internet was not working. I also began to feel bad, I thought I got a flu.
Then I went to bed, wishing that the next day will be a lucky one.
quarta-feira, 26 de maio de 2010
amulets of lucky ♣
I dont belive that black cats are evil and there day that you have lucky or unlucky , that's all lie. Thing happend because you did something before, it is a big snow ball , so people who are superstitious belive that finding a clover with 4 leave will bring lucky ? Really man ? A plant couldn't do that i'm sorry, it just can do photosynthesis. hahaha.
Poor rabbits that was killed to turn a anuseful amulet , why people dont complain with this industries equal they do with the industry of coats that made it with fur of animals .Why people think that things with goes under the paw of a horse ? does it make any sence ? i really dont think so ! Belive or not the amulets dont get lucky to you !
xxxx Morgana
Poor rabbits that was killed to turn a anuseful amulet , why people dont complain with this industries equal they do with the industry of coats that made it with fur of animals .Why people think that things with goes under the paw of a horse ? does it make any sence ? i really dont think so ! Belive or not the amulets dont get lucky to you !
xxxx Morgana

My unlucky day
The unlucky day started in school, when I forgot about the homework, after the school it's take about 30 minutes to get to my home but it's was such traffic that taked more than one hour. I was hungry but my maid didn't went to her work in that day, so I had to eat "miojo". I really hate that "pasta"! So I realize I could go to the computer and play games, but my internet was really slow! After that I gave up!
I hope that was the last unlucky day I've had, but I know I will have more! ;)
terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2010
keeping healthy
There are many ways to lose weight , but that stuff dont make you healthy. Now a days the most women thinks that standard of beauty is to be thin, and that increased the number of teens beeing anorexic, in order to have body that isnt normal or healty . That have to change , in our society there many ways that you could use to get better your body , eatting food, but the right ones .
You could also do some sport or go to the gym ,that could be a way to know more people and have fun in order to get fit , if you are more tecnologic , that isnt a way to dont do any thing , now a days there are a wii fit , the game mixes exercice and movement than you ,gamer, have fun at your one house without paying nothing more that the game .

yay (:

You could also do some sport or go to the gym ,that could be a way to know more people and have fun in order to get fit , if you are more tecnologic , that isnt a way to dont do any thing , now a days there are a wii fit , the game mixes exercice and movement than you ,gamer, have fun at your one house without paying nothing more that the game .

segunda-feira, 24 de maio de 2010
Unluck Day !

Some days ago I woke up and felt I've done something to my back ,I could hardly turn my head!! I would be very late to school.Quickly I ran to the bathroom to take a shower so I find it occupied I waited impatiently for another five minutes.I had no choice to have a really quick cold shower.
After washing up I felt a bit better so I decide to eat something than when I look there was nothing ! I can't belive, however that was not the end yet.When I arrived at school I received the news that my dog died =(
see you :)

After washing up I felt a bit better so I decide to eat something than when I look there was nothing ! I can't belive, however that was not the end yet.When I arrived at school I received the news that my dog died =(
see you :)
My Unlucky Day

My unlucky day starts when I had breakfast, suddenly my coffee fell in my school uniform, so I had to change the clothes for went to school.
When I arrived home, I went to my bedroom to play my eletric guitar. To my horror the guitar string broke while I was playing, so I decided go to computer to pastime. However the internet didn't work and one more time I gave up.
Eventually I decided go to living room and watch TV, for nothing happen anymore.
My Unlucky day!
It was 7 am when i woke up and i realized that the alarm doesn't work. I was really late to pick up my school bus and i needed my mother to leave me to school. My mother was really mad with me because she hates waking up earlier.
When i arrived at school, the doors were closed, and i had a big test to do on that day. They let me in, but there was a few minutes last to end the test. The test was really difficult and i think i got a bad grade. =(
When i arrived home, i had lunch and then the phone rang. It was my dentist wanting to knew why i didn't go to my consult. I had totally forgot that i had made an apointment with my dentist.
My mother was already mad with me, but when she discovered that i didn't go, she banned me to see tv and to use the computer. I couldn't see my favorites tvs series! :(
Finally,the night came and i went to bed, wondering how reverse my unlucky day!
When i arrived at school, the doors were closed, and i had a big test to do on that day. They let me in, but there was a few minutes last to end the test. The test was really difficult and i think i got a bad grade. =(
When i arrived home, i had lunch and then the phone rang. It was my dentist wanting to knew why i didn't go to my consult. I had totally forgot that i had made an apointment with my dentist.
My mother was already mad with me, but when she discovered that i didn't go, she banned me to see tv and to use the computer. I couldn't see my favorites tvs series! :(
Finally,the night came and i went to bed, wondering how reverse my unlucky day!

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