This is a short story, but it is the only one I remember.
When I was 13 years old, my parents decided to go to our house in São Lourenço - Minas Gerais.
We had traveled for 5 hours, so we were exhausted and when we got there, my father realized that something was missing, my parents checked their pockets and bags and not found the house key.
After that, my father left us in the city center because it was still morning and returned to Niterói to get the key and then go to São Lourenço again.When it was 7 p.m. , he arrived with the key and opened our home to my uncles and my mother, we were all laughing after that, only my father who was not laughing, he was sleeping because he was too tired ..
Wel...this is the only story embarrassed that I remember. Bye all.
quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010
terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010
The Travel
One day my fathers diceded to travel to Bahia and we take the things and we travel by car along the cost of Brail to see the bealtifull things.
When we got there my father didn't remember to get the money to pay the hotel and we sleeped at the car...In the morning my father take the money at the bank and finely we find another hotel to stay.
We see many diferents things the culter,the turistic points like beaches and Pelourinho wich have a strong relation with the past off this place.
In the last day we do the boat tour...The omly thing was the camera had broken but this travel was unforgettable :D.
The trip
One day I and my family were traveling to a farm, for the party of counsins,a party which the family of my grandmother whole meets, usually we just lunch but that time they decided to travel . We were going to stay only two days. I, my parents and my brother traveled to the farm by car, the road was very accident. During the trip to farm we ate some biscuits. When we finished my mum dicided to put the bag of biscuits out the window. The car behind us sttoped and took the bag of biscuits from the floor. When we saw the person, was one of our relatives, whoalso went to the farm. My mother was very embarassed. My aunt pretended that nothing had happened and invited us to the scenery and chat while the traffic flowed.
My embaressed trip!
Hi, Janine!
When I was 12 years old, I traveled with my whole class, I went to Hopi Hari, a very famous amusement park in São Paulo, I was having a lot of fun! It was amazing there! But suddenly my friends decided to go on attraction called ''Splash'' I thought it was a nice attraction, and I decided to go too. In line while we waited our turn, we saw a lot of people getting out of attraction completely wet! I was scary, but in that point I couldn't give up going. When our turn finally came we went on the boat and started sailing in the water, suddenly a lot of water fell on us, it was very scary and fun at the same time! In the end, I liked the experience, but the worse part had not arrived yet. When we got out the attraction I was completely weeeeeet! Oh my god, my shirt was transparent! It was a very embaressed situation! :/ But fortunataly I had another shirt with me and I went to the bathroom and changed =) In the end of the day everything was fine, and I had a lot of fun! =)
When I was 12 years old, I traveled with my whole class, I went to Hopi Hari, a very famous amusement park in São Paulo, I was having a lot of fun! It was amazing there! But suddenly my friends decided to go on attraction called ''Splash'' I thought it was a nice attraction, and I decided to go too. In line while we waited our turn, we saw a lot of people getting out of attraction completely wet! I was scary, but in that point I couldn't give up going. When our turn finally came we went on the boat and started sailing in the water, suddenly a lot of water fell on us, it was very scary and fun at the same time! In the end, I liked the experience, but the worse part had not arrived yet. When we got out the attraction I was completely weeeeeet! Oh my god, my shirt was transparent! It was a very embaressed situation! :/ But fortunataly I had another shirt with me and I went to the bathroom and changed =) In the end of the day everything was fine, and I had a lot of fun! =)
sábado, 13 de março de 2010

Hi Janine
I will tell you a story that I think its a little bit funny.
When I was 7 years old I went to my aunt house because she was doing a big party but I went there thinking that its was my cousing party but the party it was for me, when I arrive I don´t understand nothing, my friends and my family it was here and they started to sing ¨happy birthday to you¨ and I looked for everybody and my mother`s came and said happy birthday my son , and everybody`s came near to me and said you will be have a big surprise in the end of the party in the time I thougth is somethig that I will win, but in the end of the party my sister, my cousins and my friends came with a big bucket and inside the bucket has a lot of eggs I started to run but I coudn`t. I went home all dirty of eggs and crazy to take a shower.
My bad saturday ...
Hi everyone! It's a short history but I think It was funny! :)
About ten days ago on Saturday I went to the bank with my mother to get money. When I saw inside out I realized It's was really crowed,Then I decided help and keep with her if she want... Had in front of us about and behind about twelve people... OMG! I can´t believe ! behind me was a woman who looked like pregnant so I told her that she could go to the special attention. She very nervous and angry said she was not pregnant and go out .I didn't have enough time to apologize her ... would be better if I had not even left the car I hope you like it as much as those people who were in the bank.
See you!
About ten days ago on Saturday I went to the bank with my mother to get money. When I saw inside out I realized It's was really crowed,Then I decided help and keep with her if she want... Had in front of us about and behind about twelve people... OMG! I can´t believe ! behind me was a woman who looked like pregnant so I told her that she could go to the special attention. She very nervous and angry said she was not pregnant and go out .I didn't have enough time to apologize her ... would be better if I had not even left the car I hope you like it as much as those people who were in the bank.
See you!
It was a good trip
Hi Teacher, it´s a simple and shorty story, because my family do not do it with frequency. But it´s a good one.
When I was ten years old, my family and I went to João Pessoa to spent two weekends in my uncle´s house. We enjoy the beaches, shopping malls and a lot of restaurants with tradicional food.
In the last week, my uncle decided change a little kind of food and we accept. So we go to a Japonese Restaurant which was a bad ideia, because I and my mom had never eaten this kind of food.
It was a pretty funny because my mother was fighting with those chopticks to get the food. But until the end my mother had already learned how to eat and I ended up liking.
See you next class,
When I was ten years old, my family and I went to João Pessoa to spent two weekends in my uncle´s house. We enjoy the beaches, shopping malls and a lot of restaurants with tradicional food.
In the last week, my uncle decided change a little kind of food and we accept. So we go to a Japonese Restaurant which was a bad ideia, because I and my mom had never eaten this kind of food.
It was a pretty funny because my mother was fighting with those chopticks to get the food. But until the end my mother had already learned how to eat and I ended up liking.
See you next class,
sexta-feira, 12 de março de 2010
My weekend!
When I was nine years old I went to Teresopolis to spent the weekend with my family in a great hotel. My grandmother who lives in Espirito Santo, was there to. We had so much fun doing extreme sports and relaxing in a beautiful waterfall.

On the last day, we decided to go shopping on a small shopping center in the town. When my mother, my grandmother and I were looking the shop window, my grandmother hit on it and made a huge sound! Everybody in the shopping center looked at her, she was so embarrassed! It was really funny, I couldn't stop laughing! :D My grandmother didn't hurt herself, but she made me promise that I coudn't tell anyone. However, my mother told this accident to everybody. My grandmother was a bit mad with her but now it's ok , she didn't care so much about it!
The end of the weekend was great, we had dinner on a fantastic restaurant! However, my grandmother could't stop thinking of how she hit on the shop window! :)

terça-feira, 9 de março de 2010
Hi Janine! Nice story! I have an embarrassing situacion too, it`s a short one, but, anyway I think you will like it.
When I was ten years old, me, my maid and my mom went to Plaza to see a table for my brother`s room.
When we got there, we called the sales assistant,who was a woman. At the moment I saw her I thought she was pregnant. I asked to Priscilla(my maid)if she could ask to the sales assistant if she was pregnant.
She said it`s was ok, but, oh my god,she was not!Me and Priscilla were so ashamed.And it got worse! The sales assistent told Priscilla was the second person who asked her that question on that day! When we got out of the store, Priscilla me and my mom flushed with shameg. In the end, we didn`t buy any table, and Priscilla, me and my mom never asked again anyone about being pregnant.
Well, see you in the class...
Bye :D
When I was ten years old, me, my maid and my mom went to Plaza to see a table for my brother`s room.
When we got there, we called the sales assistant,who was a woman. At the moment I saw her I thought she was pregnant. I asked to Priscilla(my maid)if she could ask to the sales assistant if she was pregnant.

Well, see you in the class...
Bye :D
quinta-feira, 4 de março de 2010
Warmest welcome!!

I see some of you have already accepted the invitation but there are still many more I expect to do it till next class.
Here you have your first task to post here:
Tell your collegues about the most embarassing situation you have faced, preferably in a "family" context.
I would have many hillarious stories to tell you, but I'll choose one to exemplify what I'd like to hear from you!!
Well, I was ten years old when I went to Cabo Frio with my family, not only my parents and siblings, but also some cousins and aunts, inlcuding "Tia Virinha", remeber the one server me a "taióba" juice as a birthday present. We were home and my father decided to drive around town, just killing time. We used to keep a "baby bugre" there just to have fun driving on the dunes sometimes, and my dad decided to take it, instead of the car.
Once we got into the car everyone wanted to go and there were 4 adults and 6 children "in" that tiny vehicle. We went around the entire city and "paps" accidentally got the road to Iguaba. Then he thought it would be a good idea to visit other relatives that were staying in Rio das Ostras.
However, a huge storm was coming in our direction and my parents concluded it was time to go back. My father stopped at a gas station and just in case the rain reached us before we could get home, my mother bot some blue plastic trash bags to be worn as raincoats.
We went all the way back home wearing those blue plastic trash bags as T-shirts to protect ourselves from the heavy rain, that reached us right away. On top of being exposed to this ridiculous situation, I didn't work because we were still soaking wet when we got home.

Hope you have many stories to tell, as well.
That's it for now, folks!
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