Hi Janine! Nice story! I have an embarrassing situacion too, it`s a short one, but, anyway I think you will like it.
When I was ten years old, me, my maid and my mom went to Plaza to see a table for my brother`s room. When we got there, we called the sales assistant,who was a woman. At the moment I saw her I thought she was pregnant. I asked to Priscilla(my maid)if she could ask to the sales assistant if she was pregnant. She said it`s was ok, but, oh my god,she was not!Me and Priscilla were so ashamed.And it got worse! The sales assistent told Priscilla was the second person who asked her that question on that day! When we got out of the store, Priscilla me and my mom flushed with shameg. In the end, we didn`t buy any table, and Priscilla, me and my mom never asked again anyone about being pregnant. Well, see you in the class... Bye :D
Nice story, Gabriela!! It is absolutely embarrasing for you and the person!! I've already done that too. There some mistakes here and there, so I have corrected them below! Check out!! housekeeping=maid ... sales assistant,who was a woman. The sales assistent told Priscilla was the second person who asked her that question on that day! ... we didn`t buy any table... ...about being pregnant.
Hi Gabi!! There are still some minor problems in your composition and I`d like you to check them. Here you are: Nice storie! = Nice storY! a embarassing situacion = aN embaRRassing situaYion anyway i think = anyway I (Capital letter) think my housekeeping = maid were red = flushed with shame
Nice story, Gabriela!!
ResponderExcluirIt is absolutely embarrasing for you and the person!! I've already done that too.
There some mistakes here and there, so I have corrected them below! Check out!!
... sales assistant,who was a woman.
The sales assistent told Priscilla was the second person who asked her that question on that day!
... we didn`t buy any table...
...about being pregnant.
Hi Gabi!!
ResponderExcluirThere are still some minor problems in your composition and I`d like you to check them.
Here you are:
Nice storie! = Nice storY!
a embarassing situacion = aN embaRRassing situaYion
anyway i think = anyway I (Capital letter) think
my housekeeping = maid
were red = flushed with shame
XO, Janine