I see some of you have already accepted the invitation but there are still many more I expect to do it till next class.
Here you have your first task to post here:
Tell your collegues about the most embarassing situation you have faced, preferably in a "family" context.
I would have many hillarious stories to tell you, but I'll choose one to exemplify what I'd like to hear from you!!
Well, I was ten years old when I went to Cabo Frio with my family, not only my parents and siblings, but also some cousins and aunts, inlcuding "Tia Virinha", remeber the one server me a "taióba" juice as a birthday present. We were home and my father decided to drive around town, just killing time. We used to keep a "baby bugre" there just to have fun driving on the dunes sometimes, and my dad decided to take it, instead of the car.
Once we got into the car everyone wanted to go and there were 4 adults and 6 children "in" that tiny vehicle. We went around the entire city and "paps" accidentally got the road to Iguaba. Then he thought it would be a good idea to visit other relatives that were staying in Rio das Ostras.
However, a huge storm was coming in our direction and my parents concluded it was time to go back. My father stopped at a gas station and just in case the rain reached us before we could get home, my mother bot some blue plastic trash bags to be worn as raincoats.
We went all the way back home wearing those blue plastic trash bags as T-shirts to protect ourselves from the heavy rain, that reached us right away. On top of being exposed to this ridiculous situation, I didn't work because we were still soaking wet when we got home.

Hope you have many stories to tell, as well.
That's it for now, folks!
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