terça-feira, 11 de maio de 2010

keeping fit

People take part in less physical activite than they used to, mainly because of the more covenient lifestyles we lead. People can keep fit thanks to physical education classes, but it's recommended that people try and active outside of school and carry .on throughout their life

If you want to keeping fit, you will have to do somethings:

1. do exercises:
In fact is recommended that people exercise or do some form of physical activity for 30 minutes at least five days a week.
The benefits of taking up regulare exercise include: fewer aches and pains; icreased energy level overall; it can help reduce stress levels; exercise keep organs, like your heart, healphy; it burns off unnecessary fat in your body and keeps your weight down and exercise can help increase brain activity.

2. change your everyday habits:
People with hardly any time on their hands can also keep fit by riding a bike or walking briskly isteanted of taking the bus, go to a gym, joining an aerobics class or going for a swim at their local leisure centre.

3. do diet:
As well as exercesing, it's also important to eat the right thing. Eating the right foods can keep our argans heathy and even help our teeth and bones strong for later on in life.
What you eat now willalso probaly help shape your eating habits later on in life, so it's important to start as you mean to go on.

4. a quest of balance:
Maintaining a balance a balanced diet is important for us all, but young peopleare a specialcase because their bodies grow rapidly during teenage years. For example, experts believe that starchy foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes, help give young people and children the fuel they need to grow.
Covenience food and ready to food to eat have grow meals in popularity over the last few years as ours lives becames increasingly busier. But,despite helping us save on time, these foods are often high in salt, fat and sugar, so check the nutrition label.

5. healthy eating:
As a general guide to eating helthily, try to followthese suggestions:

> eat of starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, rice or pasta;
> eat at least five portion of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day;
> try to eat oily fish like samon or mackerel once a week;
> eat lower fat versions of daire products such as milk, yourgut and milk;
> cut down on fatty foods
> eat moderate amounts of red meat

> try to cut down on salty foods such as snacks, preserved meats, stock cubes and packet soups
> try to keep sugary sweets, desserts and drinks to meal times only, so they are less damaging to teeth

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