quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010

What's worth?

Nowadays people frequently think about many ways to keep in fit. But they really don't know what's worth: spend their lifes doing exercises and making strict diets, in order to stay with a perfect body or simplly accept their bodys like they are.

But everybody knows (or should know) that exercises can be very good for us, not just because they can give us a beautiful body (that will help us to feel better) but because it can makes the difference for a good health.

I shouldn't tell you that I'm a person that cares a lot for my diet, because that would be a lie, but I try not to eat too much fast food, although it's really hard for me. There are two months that I am controling myself, in order not to drink too much coke, and I'm having success. I love to eat fruit at any time of the day.

I usually try to do exercices. I swim three times a week, play soccer twice a week and volleyball and tennis once a week. I think there's no sensation to compare with doing sports, because I'm very competitive, they keep me in fit and can make me feel really good. I've never been in a gym as I am very afraid to stop growing, but some day I'd like to go.

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