I don't remember any unlucky day but I remember the my friend unlucky day.
So, he decided that he had to get fit. Well, to tell you the truth , he'd been to the doctor and the doctor had told him that he had to change his lifestyle.He went out and bought some trainers- He never knew how espensive they were 55 pounds! Anyway, the next day he got up early and when he looked for the trainers he didn't found them . He was so frustated . He couldn't run in this day and he went to work. Believe it or not , when he arrived home he saw the shoes in the same place that he had left them and he thought that he need to get up early the next day because he wanted to begin running.
The next day he got up a bit late but he went run. After five minutes , his feet started to hurt. Unfortunately, the shoes were uncomfortable and he were really bored. He continued running. He noticed an attractive woman looking at him and smiling . He looked back at her and he smiled too . He weren't looking at the path and didn't see a banana skin , so he slipped . As you can imagine , he were very embarrased. Suddenly it started to rain . He got home exhausted. Actually, he took off his trainers and lay down on the sofa . Then his mother came in and shouted , " guy ! what have you done to the sofa !!" He looked down and saw it was covered in green paint. The park bech had just been painted.
This was the my friend disastrous day :D
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